
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Any day now...

I'll have some time to dedicate to post a blog over here. I keep doing so many other things, I just have distracted myself away from it for a while. At the moment, my sick baby is sitting on my lap eating cheerios, coughing up a storm, because the flu has attacked her. Hopefully soon, that will be gone as well, and we'll be clapping to Sesame Street songs. Did I tell you how much I like Sesame Street? (I think I like it more than her LOL). I still remember the songs I used to sing and watch back when I was a little girl...ahhh memories...


  1. Sharon, you're back!! Glad to see you had time for blogging today.. just in the nick of time too, because you won an award. LOL. Go See!!

    P.S. I remember NOTHING from SS. But I do remember Barney songs.

  2. I hope she feels better soon...


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