
Monday, December 20, 2010

I know...I know...

I haven't blogged in FOREVER...If anybody is still out there, please, PLEASE let me know LOL. I have been completely overwhelmed with life and many other things, and have not been able to keep up this blog. For that, I'm sorry.

The thought of canceling this whole blog has crossed my mind in several occasions, but for some unknown reason I have not gone through with it...yet..... I've always thought, if you can't do it right, don't do it at all...this being the reason why I didn't try posting apologies, or any excuses for my absence at any point in between my last post and this one....I knew, and I still know I would not be able to dedicate time to keeping this updated... I'm still pondering the idea of canceling this, and maybe starting it once things calm down a's just a matter of time until I come to a decision.

The reason why I chose to post tonight is because Christmas is around the corner, and I wanted to wish each and every one of my readers (if they still exist LOL) a very merry Christmas, and a very happy new year. I also wanted to post some pictures of different things I never got around to posting. If and when I decide to close this blog, I will let you know. If not, I might make a come back and you'll know that too.
All I can for sure say for now is, stay tuned :o)

Thanks again for stopping by and enjoy the pictures:


  1. Hi Sharon

    You post a lot of awesome card, I love it. look like you use some of the Stampin up product and I was Stampin up Demo for awhile now I'm taking break from it. I'm in your shoe right now, I haven't updated my blog almost 3 months now. I been spend a lot of time with my classes and I'm take online classes. I still learn about how edited my blog like background and setting.

    Lucy =)

  2. DO NOT LEAVE the blogging world, I would miss you, I am in the same boat as you with not updating due to my busy work life now. WOW Sharon your cards are always beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing with us all.
    I haven't done anything for ages. I haven't sent out a single Christmas card this year, so slack I know!

    I would like to Wish you and your beautiful family a Wonderful Christmas, esp being lil miss Emily's 1st Christmas. I am sure that you will get some gorgeous photos.
    Luv Shaz xoxo

  3. Hi Sharon, Merry Christmas... I know how life gets hectic and priorities change but if you can post a bit hear and there than that's fine. You have a gift of creating and it's always nice to share so good luck to whatever you decide.

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your baby girl. Time flies and she has gotten so big.

    I hope to see you in the new year.


  4. oh, don't leave. I love your blog. You inspire me and I thank you for posting your beautiful creations, sharing your life with the bloggers and when life gets crazy, then go de-stress with your loved ones and come back soon.
    Blessings always,

  5. Don't leave, I just got here! (lol) But seriously, I think your blog is great. I quickly browsed, but so far I love what I see. We all understand that crafting takes lots of time (between shopping for materials, getting inspired, putting it together and photographing it), so the fact that you've had to tend to your family is perfectly understandable, especially with having a new baby. I believe your followers are loyal and would love to keep you around (even though only 4 of them commented - lol) I will speak for all when I say, "stick around kiddo".


    P.S. Your projects are breathtaking!!

    x0, D


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