
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Super Simple Saturday: Birthday Card

I have to admit, I've started writing this post three times already this week, and each time I just gave up and decided not to post anything. I guess you can say I've been a very lazy blogger this week lol. I do have stuff to share, but I've been really distracted with other things (Pinterest anyone???), but most of all, I just haven't felt up to it. Today I finally decided to get to it, and I can already tell this is going to be a hard post to pull out (because I AM posting this time! lol).... as I write this, I feel like shutting my computer down, and doing something else lol. Has this ever happened to you? Who knows, may be I'm the only crazy one with these issues lol.
Anyways, I've been meaning to share this card I made for a friend a bit ago. Super simple, yet super bright, colorful, and fun. Used my new Stampin up Pennant Punch, and stamp set I got on my last Stampin up haul (you can find the video of that by clicking HERE). I also used some Echo Park Paper (can't think of the name of the stack at this moment), and that's one thing I want to get a little better about----writing down exactly what I use in order to let you know here----I promise I'll start getting a little better about that.
I used some of the twine I got from the Twinery, some cute little EK Success punches, which made those cute little cupcakes you see, and some glitter glue (Studio G) for the candle flames.

It's one of those super bright cards I like to make every once in a while just for fun. The friend who received it was surprised and very happy with it, so like I say sometimes, it was a mission accomplished on my end. Super simple. Super fun.


  1. It looks like "A Walk In The Park" EP paper. Love all their lines.

    This card is soooo cute (u know I love me some banners!!). Anyways...

    I've never felt the urge to shut down my computer after I've gone online. Maybe you just need a small getaway from blogging, vlogging, facebook, pictures, etc., and be outdoors more. Do more physically active things and get your mind off crafts (and this "job" you've taken on)... that helped me over the holiday. We'll all miss u, but understand. And when u return u'll be full of new ideas and creativity to share w/ ur followers.

    Love u girl.

    x0, D

  2. I very much like this card! It's so fun and "celebratory"! I would "pin" it if I knew how----I'm brand new to pinterest, but this one I'd definitely pin so I could remind myself to try my hand at a similar creation some time.

  3. Gorgeous card Sharon and I definitely understand the Pinterest addiction although I am not so bad now as when I first started "pinning". I think it comes in spurts...I now go days and not look at Pinterest because I found it was driving me nuts...had all those creative ideas floating around in my head but no time to do them.

  4. What a beautiful card ! Love the banner and color choice. Thanks for sharing !

  5. I just love this card! Great beautiful work!!
    Blessings to you and your family and happy 2012!


  6. Oh my gosh. I love those cupcakes. where did you find the punch? I love them. The card is super cute.
    I am sure your friend will love it.


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