
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Greatest Gift of all

Hello there!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday, just like I did, together with your family and loved ones. I'm pretty exhausted, as I'm sure many of you are, but pretty happy with all that went on. 
I can hardly believe that this year is almost over, and a brand new one is just about to start. New goals, new challenges, new adventures. To me, it feels like this year just flew by!
Just a few more days, and we say goodbye to 2011, but not before I share with you the rest of my projects for this month, so expect that in the next couple of days.
Today I bring you another layout using the Paper Niche's Design Kit for the month of December. I just love these pictures of my daughter, and had to use them on another layout. She truly is the greatest gift.
Pretty soon it will be her birthday again, and boy, is she becoming a big girl so quickly! She's not even two yet, and she knows her alphabet, most of her body parts, she's putting words together to make phrases, it's crazy! I did not expect her to know all this stuff at this age... this weekend, just in time for Christmas, she put all the words together and said, "I love you Mommy", I almost see, she's been saying different words since she was about ten months old or so, but she  has said just about everything you can think off, except the word Mommy...she called me Daddy and laughed when she did so, as if making drove me insane!
I just kept thinking, why can she say ALL these different words (and when I say ALL, I mean a whole arsenal of words including difficult ones like umbrella, dinosaur etc.), why wouldn't she say something so simple as Mommy, specially when she could say monkey clear as day, which also began with the M sound??? It drove me bonkers LOL
Well, everyone I know kept coaching her into saying Mommy, and she would just laugh and say "Daddy!, Daddy! Daddy!"
Well, this weekend, she finally said it, and extremely clear too...and not only that, she added those three little words with it, "I love you Mommy"... sweet as can be, followed by the  sweetest hug and smile. Now, THAT's the greatest Christmas gift, even though, like the layout points out, she's the greatest gift ever!
Have a great week and as always, thank you for all your comments.

1 comment:

  1. How sweet. What a sweet story. Loved reading your post.
    I am so glad you had a great Christmas. Mine was pretty amazing, since for the first time in about 4 years I had my oldest daughter stay with me Christmas eve and hang out with me and my husband. She is a long story. Another day.
    Thank you for sharing your amazing layouts, crafts and techniques with us in 2011 and hope that in 2012 you bring us more.


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