
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

I wanted to show you today some of the cards I created for Father's Day. It is amazing how busy life gets, but I was lucky to get some cards done in time this year Yayyyy!
I have been working on several projects, and the fact that my crafting time is very limited now a days, I did not think I was going to be able to even make on card, but I was having so much fun, I managed to finish three cards in in between diaper changing, feeding, playing, and every other thing I have to do on a daily basis. It's crazy, but a mother's work is never done, huh?
The first card you see here is the one I made for my husband.
I am still trying to learn my way with the new camera I just got...I tried to get the best pictures I could with what I know... It's a completely different system than my old Nikon. I'm liking the Canon, little by little... Please bare with the pictures, they might not be 100% perfect quality just yet...
This second card I made for my father in you can see, I didn't go the serious, formal way....I was feeling playful :)
I applied some glossy accents on the bee hive....
And popped both images from the card with dimensionals...
This last card I made for one of our friends.

For more information on what I used and what I did, please watch the video below. Enjoy

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  1. Too cute! Love this card!


  2. oh grrrrr, my comment was deleted :( anyway, long story short...your cards ROCK!!! i'm off to scream at my boys so i'll have to pop by later to rewrite my post. hugs :)

  3. I love your cards. That truck stamp is one of my faves. I think they ought to come up with some more stuff to put in the back.



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